By Wayne Visser
Over the past 50 years or so, the Singapore government has succeeded admirably in growing the economy, creating job opportunities, ensuring good working conditions (for nationals) and raising the standard of living, all in a tiny city-state without any natural resources. Even on environmental issues, it has cleaned up the rivers, lowered air pollution, greened the city and virtually eliminated its dependence on Malaysia for water. Could it be that CSR in Singapore is an unnecessary extra, practiced only to placate Western markets and investors?
I must confess, I was surprised that despite widespread perceptions (including my own) of the government being ‘strong’, there seems to be a reluctance to take a lead on many social and environmental issues. For example, after meeting with the CEO of the National Environment Agency, I had the impression that, while the government is doing some good things (e.g. on encouraging recycling and energy efficiency), they are extremely hesitant to introduce any bold regulations or controls that might be seen to be a cost or to harm the competitiveness or security of Singapore’s trade and industry.
Even so, there is a lesson to be learned from Singapore. As a geographically small city-state, with a relatively high population density, the government quickly faced up to the fact that there is no ‘away’. It had to deal with its own externalities, rather than export them. Innovation was born of necessity. Poverty and pollution could not be tucked away in remote rural regions or ignored as the inevitable lot of a fringe slum society. Either the whole city prospered, or it didn’t. There was nowhere to hide poor people or poor governance.
So we can learn from the ‘spaceship earth’ (city-state) thinking of Singapore. But, for me, the jury is still out on CSR per se. Unless the government and companies can shake off the ‘competitiveness at all costs’ mentality, it may always be a CSR laggard, moving with the late majority; certainly not the worst, but far from the best. Somehow, Singapore needs to answer for itself the ‘why’ question. Why is CSR relevant, or important, in Singapore? I am betting this will inevitably lead straight to another question: How can CSR make Singapore more competitive?